:: FYI
Heurística Takes 6 Mexican SW Development Companies to Chicago Published date:
August 16, 2005.
Six Mexican software developers have signed a contract with Heurística for a November trip to Chicago to meet with business consultants and system integrators.
These firms frequently recommend IT solutions to their clients and their implementation often falls outside their own core competencies.
Heurística expects that the Mexican companies will provide the American firms with a clear and convenient option to develop the solutions they
recommend to their end-clients. Near-Shore outsourcing gives them both cost savings and control over their projects.
Bancomext, the Mexican import-export bank, is helping Heurística find the interested Chicago firms. If you are interested, you may contact
Mr. Rafael Bernal at
Heuristica, or Mr. Miguel Leaman / Mr. Victor Trani at Bancomext's
Chicago office (312) 856-0316. The event will be held at the Swissötel on
November 3.
Mexico makes much sense as an offshore outsourcing destination. The reasons are many, but the most important are:
Strategic: we are part of NAFTA, which has become a de facto economic zone, competing with others like the European Union, China or India
(these last 2 are by themselves economic zones). We as a zone need to compete and Mexico is willing to join the US and Canada, participating with
activities that add real value to the zone’s economy.
Cost: Mexico’s total cost of service is similar, and often lower, than India’s. When traveling and other overhead costs are taken into account,
the numbers favor us.
Business philosophy: even if English is not our native language, our way of doing business is the same as any American company’s. The reason being
that we learned business from the US. We think similarly. And as for English, you’ll find that our software companies' personnel are quiet fluent.
Ease of doing business: East Coast and many Mid-West cities (like New York or Chicago) are closer to Mexico City, Monterrey or Guadalajara than to San Francisco; also these Mexican cities
are in the same time zone or within at most two hours. If you are the CIO or person responsible to follow up on an offshore project and have to travel often to the offshore destination,
would you rather have it in Bangalore or Mexico City? Also, NAFTA eliminates the need for H-1B visas for Mexican professionals who need to be on-site.
Heuristica can help you determine if Mexico is the best option for your outsourcing plans, and then offer you a choice of locations.