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:: FYI

Heurística Takes 6 Mexican SW Development Companies to Chicago
Published date: August 16, 2005.

Six Mexican software developers have signed a contract with Heurística for a November trip to Chicago to meet with business consultants and system integrators. These firms frequently recommend IT solutions to their clients and their implementation often falls outside their own core competencies.

Heurística expects that the Mexican companies will provide the American firms with a clear and convenient option to develop the solutions they recommend to their end-clients. Near-Shore outsourcing gives them both cost savings and control over their projects.

Bancomext, the Mexican import-export bank, is helping Heurística find the interested Chicago firms. If you are interested, you may contact Mr. Rafael Bernal at Heuristica, or Mr. Miguel Leaman / Mr. Victor Trani at Bancomext's Chicago office (312) 856-0316. The event will be held at the Swissötel on November 3.


Localization studies for outsourcing to Mexico

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